Much of ISTA's work to support science educators in the state is done through several standing committees. The standing committes and their responbilities are as follows:
- Awards: Carry out the nomination and selection process for ISTA Educator Awards.
- Conference: Develop a conference theme, plan and secure speakers, presentations, exhibitors, workshops and required state and selected association evaluation protocols.
- Educator Support: Develop an annual educator support plan, promote resources, and organize professional learning opportunities.
- Finance: Propose an annual operating budget to the Board of Directors for adoption each fiscal year and shall present the operating budget to the membership at the annual membership meeting; ensure annual filings are submitted, perform annual audit, and develop long term financial plans.
- Grants, Partnerships, and Sponsorships: Seek and apply for grants, partnerships and sponsorships on behalf of ISTA.
- Nominations and Elections: Secure candidates, prepare a suggested slate for evaluation by the Board of Directors, and conduct ISTA’s elections.
- Public Relations, Publications, and Media Presence: Regularly provide communication to the membership and promote the purpose of ISTA through contemporaneous media outlets and cultivate written entries, develop content, and provide oversight of the creation and distribution of the ISTA Newsletter.