Illinois Science Teaching Association (ISTA)presents
for any and all teachers of life science!
“Building Coherence for Long Lasting Learning”
Friday, February 26, 2021

DuPage Countywide Professional Development Day
(but all teachers are welcome!)
8:30am – 3:00pm
Location: Online via digital platform
Illinois Teachers please RSVP using the registration link below.
Come join us at our 5th annual Life Science Institute where a host of engaging sessions will include the reality of Three-Dimensional Teaching and Learning, NGSS implementation, Storyline Support, and more!
Speakers will include a variety of experts who will help support all teachers, especially during these trying times! The LSI prides itself on providing something for all teachers and school leaders (K-12+) interested in making the fundamental shifts towards a more engaging, three-dimensional science classroom.
All Illinois teachers who attend can receive 6 ISBE PD credits!
RSVP today!
Illinois Teachers Click Below to Register
This registration page is ONLY for ILLINOIS registrants. If you are outside of Illinois, please contact for information.
Registrants will receive additional information as the event date approaches including login details.
Free! Free! Free Cost Free! Free! Free!
Thanks to those who included a donation to ISTA as a part of their registration.